Activities and resources

Ag Safety Data Net RFQ

21 February 2024

Notice of open call for preliminary research proposals relating to fatigue in agriculture.

The Ag Safety Data Net is a new, on-going data capacity that collects, analyses and reports meaningful metrics for farm safety for the Australian agricultural sector. AgriFutures Australia is seeking a skilled, experienced service provider to be responsible for its development and implementation. See here.

Ag deaths and injuries

30 June 2023

cover of 2021 AgHealth report

AgriFutures Australia invests in projects that affect multiple rural industries. This includes 6-monthly research updates from AgHealth Australia of injury and deaths on farms, describing the number of events and the leading causes.

RSHA work areas

15 February 2022

RSHA committee meeting

The main topics agreed by the RSHA Committee to be tackled in 2022 are:
(1) identifying and responding to shared member needs around WHS metrics; and (2) investing in a project that builds understanding of how to influence safety behaviour around mobile plant on farm.

RSHA and Farmsafe

6 October 2021

slide from Farmsafe presentation

Farmsafe Australia has many quality resources for farmers that help raise awareness of health and safety issues in rural communities. Farmsafe is a strong advocate for farm safety and a valued partner of the RSHA. A close partnership helps the ag sector act on WHS RD&E priorities.

Overlaps in WHS risks

30 September 2020

cover of RSHA report on overlapping risks in the ag sector

RSHA commissioned a comprehensive study of serious injury and deaths in the agricultural industries. Knowing where the WHS risks overlap helped identify priority areas for collaborative investment, such as further research into risks associated with mobile plant.

Strong WHS messages

30 September 2019

cover of the WHS communication guidelines

Creating Communications Guidelines was the first joint investment made by the RSHA. The guidelines help communication professionals in RDCs and industry associations craft and deliver impactful WHS content for agricultural audiences.